


Did you try the keto diet?

What challenges did you face?  Or was it a smooth sailing from start to where you're at today?

I, personally, started my keto journey early 2015.  The main challenge I faced was the lack of information regarding the diet at the time.  With enthusiasm and  excitement, I didn't care about substitutes; specially sugar.  I was on a mission to try this new type of diet.  I never imagined that the human body can change its main fuel source.  We've been taught that simple and complex carbohydrates are the best fuel sources for the body.  We've also been told that fat is bad and to avoid it at all cost.  For some strange reason, I never thought twice about that.  I Increased my fat consumption, while keeping my carbs intake less than 20g per day.  I lost 10kg in the first month and another 8 in the second month.  By the end of the 3ed month I noticed that my skin started to sag.  I realized that I lost too much weight too fast.  So I hit the break paddle by increasing my carbs intake to 50g per day.  I still kept on losing weight, but at a slower pace.  In my fourth or fifth year on keto, I learned about intermittent fasting.  I loved the idea of autophagy, a self cleaning and repairing mechanism.  When I combined both, keto and IF, I noticed a major change.  One was the energy level I experienced throughout the day.  A constant stream of uninterrupted energy flow from morning to night.  I went from 16 hours fasting to 23 hours fasting.  The longer I fasted the less I felt hungry.  I followed every 

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To be continued...
